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4 Practical Irrigation Methods
For South Dakota Yards

At Warne, we specialize in helping homeowners create amazing and unique landscapes through our variety of lawn care services. Landscaping your own yard is one thing. Maintaining it is a whole other ball game. Part of maintaining your lawn and ornamentals is to make sure they are getting enough water. Proper irrigation is key to keeping your grass strong and healthy and protects them from pests, drought, and diseases. Having your irrigation system is a great way to save water and cut down on costs. Many of the methods listed below can be made with just simple items found around your home. Take a look and see if one will work for your Box Elder property.

Drip Irrigation

When deciding on which irrigation method to add to your seasonal lawn care, you need to consider the size of the space you want to water and how you can irrigate it efficiently. Drip irrigation uses a series of hoses with small holes punched in them at strategic spots. This is beneficial because it supplies a steady constant stream of water to your plants, but it doesn’t water the weeds as a traditional sprinkler would. Drip irrigation hoses can be homemade or bought at the hardware store, and they can be attached to any outdoor faucet or rain catcher. 

Five Gallon Bucket Drip

As mentioned above, drip irrigation is an eco-friendly way to water your garden without watering annoying weeds. If you do not have an outdoor spigot on your Box Elder property but have a five-gallon bucket lying around, you can turn it into your own cistern for your drip irrigation system. It is super easy to build and only requires a small hose and a drill. Fill the bucket with water, and the hose will irrigate your plants for you.

Five Gallon Bucket Part II

This method also utilizes a five-gallon bucket but how it works is different. People have been developing clever ways to irrigate their crops for thousands of years. This method dates back to ancient times, but it still works effectively. Drill holes around the bottom of the five-gallon bucket and bury it halfway in the ground. Plant your flowers and vegetables around the bucket. Fill the bucket with water, and the water will slowly soak into the soil around your plants, keeping them adequately hydrated. Place a lid on your bucket to keep out mosquitoes. 

Plastic Bottle Sprinkler

Do you have too many plastic bottles lying around? Many people are coming up with new and creative ways to reuse old plastic rather than toss it in the landfill. For this project, you can use any size plastic soda bottle, punch holes in it with a nail, and attach it to a hose with a special nozzle that you can buy online or the hardware. Turn the water on, and you’ve got a cheap DIY soaker that will keep your plants properly hydrated. 

Rain Catcher

Water is a valuable resource, and we hate to see it go to waste. As more and more people become conscious of their environmental footprint and make strides to conserve water, rain catchers are becoming more popular. A rain barrel can be any kind of container that can hold liquid, but plastic tanks work best. You might think that you can’t collect that much water from a little Box Elder rain shower, but if you consider a 1000 square foot roof can collect over 600 gallons of water in just 1-inch of rain. This means that you will still collect plenty of water even in a light shower. Rain catchers can be attached to your garden hose and are gravity fed. The water in the rain catcher alone is enough to water your garden for several days or even weeks. 

For All Your Lawn Care Services Needs in Box Elder, Hire Warne

If you’re looking for great lawn care services near you, we’re the right ones for the job. Call Warne to set up an application and take the pressure off you!

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