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Noxious Weed Control

Weed-Free Landscape, Worry-Free Life

Noxious Weed Control
in South Dakota

Tired of unwanted weeds in gravel areas? Don’t have the time or manpower to continually trim or pull weeds that keep growing in these areas. Keeping commercial lots, storage areas, parking lots, gravel driveways, and other gravel areas looking good and weed-free can be a hassle. Show unattractive weeds that are growing in unwanted areas who are in charge!

Let Warne’s bare ground weed control program give you one full season of control. It costs less than the repeated mowing and trimming you are currently doing with less than adequate results.

Our noxious weed services include:

Warne Green Force employee providing Noxious Weed Control Service

How Our Effective Industrial Vegetation Control Works

Apply early in the growing season. For first-year treatments, treat shortly after perennial grasses and weeds start to green up for better control of tough perennials.

Once perennials are controlled, annual treatments can be done earlier to prevent annual grasses and weeds before they germinate. Early spring is ideal as moisture helps move the residual products into the soil where they control germinating seeds.

In non-irrigated areas, rain or snow is needed to activate the product. Approximately one inch of precipitation is necessary. Late-season applications with less frequent rainfall may be less effective.

Types Of Areas To Be Treated:

How Our Effective Industrial Vegetation Control Works

Apply early in the growing season. For first-year treatments, treat shortly after perennial grasses and weeds start to green up for better control of tough perennials.

Once perennials are controlled, annual treatments can be done earlier to prevent annual grasses and weeds before they germinate. Early spring is ideal as moisture helps move the residual products into the soil where they control germinating seeds.

In non-irrigated areas, rain or snow is needed to activate the product. Approximately one inch of precipitation is necessary. Late-season applications with less frequent rainfall may be less effective.

Types Of Areas To Be Treated:

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